Saturday, February 25, 2012

Minor Adversaries update

So Thursday saw Kris send the higher resolution art in, which I forwarded to Walt to lay out the G Core version of Adversaries: The Triad. He'll be working on that tomorrow, so we're getting close to finally launching! Sent copies of the Supers! stats to Russell Boyd (who did the art for the excellent Bad Sports) to review.

Also, started converting the characters to BASH UE. I've found it an interesting exercise, as some of the powers in G Core/Supers allow a wider use than what they would be in BASH. Ironically, the characters don't all come out at the same points, but still maintain about the same power level.  The three main characters are done, so that just leaves an NPC superhero, two other villains, and some mooks.

On another note, I mailed in my application for a "Powered by M&M license". Look forward to doing some M&M conversions once that's been processed. Also, just waiting to get a reply from Jack Herman regarding some form he wanted me to fill out for a V&V compatibility license. All in all, this past week has gone fairly well. Can't wait for the time next week when I finally have a release out for sale!


  1. Making excellent progress. I'm still reading Mutants & Masterminds 3e and kinda sweating the idea of converting characters to that system. I love what I've read so far but it is a very in-depth system...

    1. Yeah, M&M 3rd is interesting. I played it once, but the GM wasn't running it as is, so I was somewhat confused. Had just got around to learning 2E when 3rd was announced. Still, it is the top selling supers rpg, and I haven't seen that much support for it like the old 2E had.

    2. Mutants & Masterminds is a market that is not easily ignored.

    3. So true. I'm actually surprised though at the small amount of 3rd party support so far. Other than Rhinotaur & Vigilance Press, I haven't seen a steady flow of 3rd party products for it yet. I know Misfit Studios is going to re-released their 2E material in 3rd edition, but that's still a bit off. There's been other stuff here and there, but not like the amount we saw for 2E
