Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Adversaries Issue 0 finished for 3 systems and Issue 1 cover!

So I finished writing Adversaries Issue 0 today for BASH UE, G-Core Prime & Supers! RED. I've all ready contacted the people behind G-Core & Supers! to see if it's good to go. For the BASH version, I asked Ben Norman, the BASH Guru, to check over my stats. I haven't used BASH in some time, so I wanted to make sure my totals were ok before sending it to Chris for approval.

I hope to look into adapting it for a few more systems if I can. ICONS is obviously my next choice. I really need to sit down and read M&M 3rd so I can start producing for that system. Same with Champions Complete. There's still a dedicated fanbase there that is hungry for new product. Would be nice to try and tap into that if possible.

In the meantime, I've started plotting out Issue 1. I've put together a cover mock up, so those who actually read this blog will be the first to see it!